I am a Professor at the Korea National Defense University. You can find all my research, class material, career on the page.

Please contact me if you have any question about me.

Maritime Strategy

The class covers classic maritime philosophy from late 19th century to modern maritime strategy.

Strategy Theory

The class covers from National Security Theory to Defence Policy and Military Strategy.

Future Warfare

The class covers the methodology to study a future and layout of future warfare.

Military Science Methodology

The class introduces a variety of methodologies from qualitative to quantitative methods for military studies.

Advance Methodology in R

This is the more advanced class than Military Study Methodology. The class introduces a variety of advanced quantitative methodologies from R.

Future Project

Maritime Strategy : past, present and future (Book project)

The book project consists of sixteen chapters which cover my class, Maritime Strategy.

The Strategy for Maritime Terrioty (Book Project)

The purpose of the project is to provide policy advice to obtain more EEZ around Korea Peninsula.

The Miltary Study Methodology (Book Project)

The purpose of the project is to introduce a quantitative methodology to study military issues.

Why is Bae's class unique?

The several reasons why professor Bae’s classes are so unique and why you should take the classes.

Bae's Bookstore

conflict management(book)

War and Conflict Management
between The Two Koreas

Insight about two Korea relationship though rivalry theory. it delves into the relation not as a unique relations but a rivalry relation.


21th Century Maritime Security
(21세기 해양안보와 국제관계)

Insight about 21st century maritime security. 10 active military officers contribute each chapter so that we can map out the landscape of maritime security and international relations.

Maritime Space Force(book)

Maritime Space Force Development (우주 전장시대 해양 우주력)

In the space era, what capability should the navy prepare?

Doctoral Degree Committee Members

Dale L. Smith

Professor of International Studies and Chair, Global Studies at UNC Charlotte

Ph.D in Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. My current research within the field of international political economy focuses on the conditions.

Mark Souva

Professor at Department of Political Science, Florida State University

Ph.D in Political Science, Michigan State University Department of Political Science. My current research interest are • International Relations: Institutions (Domestic and International) and International Relations, Information and Credible Commitment Problems, Liberal Peace, Economic Sanctions, International Trade, Arms Races, Naval Power

Magan Shannon

Professor at department of political science, University of Colorado

Ph.D in Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Megan Shannon's research explores how international institutions influence human and interstate security.

Rising or Sinking amidst Turbulent Waters?
Our Future is at Sea